
Follow these simple steps to place an order with SeqVision:

1. Submit Your Order

To place an order send an inquiry to the SeqVision team at orders@seqvision.com. Our team will send you form You'll have to fill and send it back to us.

You can use this simple Google form to register for the service and get a unique code and example form to label your samples:


3. Drop Off Your Samples

Place your samples in one of our designated dropboxes. You can find the current dropbox locations on the map below:

Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre, Saulėtekio al. 7, Vilnius; dropbox is located at the security desk

Innovation and Business Center, Mokslininkų g. 2, Vilnius; dropbox is located at the security desk

4. Receive Your Results

If you prefer to ship your samples or require additional dropbox locations, please contact us at info@seqvision.com.

For sample submission guidelines, please refer to our requirements.

Once your samples have been processed, results will be sent directly to your email.

If you are an existing customer, please email us at orders@seqvision.com to request your unique customer code.

2. Label your samples

For 96-well plate submissions, label the plate with your ID code, the sample order will be kept from 1-8 and A-H (standard). If using plates, please have different plates for different sample types

Maintain accurate records of your sample numbers.

DNA concentration

Plasmid DNA:
15 µl of 40 ng/ul purified plasmid DNA

PCR Amplicons:
Please, dilute amplicon samples to an appropriate concentration:

  • 10 µl of 30-40 ng/ul, for amplicons >5kb.

  • 10 µl of 10-20 ng/ul, for amplicons >1kb <5kb.

  • 10 µl of 5 ng/ul, for amplicons >200 bp <1kb.

  • 10 µl of 1 ng/ul, for amplicons <200 bp.

20 µl of 40 ng/ul high purity, high molecular weight genomic DNA

dsDNA Bacteriophage:
10 µl of 10 ng/ul high purity, high molecular weight bacteriophage genomic DNA

We strongly recommend submitting high-purity, non-degraded DNA samples eluted in water or EDTA-free buffer for optimal results.

Sample Security

Ensure all PCR tubes and plates are sealed tightly.

Important Note: Adherence to these guidelines ensures prompt processing and delivery of your results. Non-compliance may lead to slow processing.

Sample Container Requirements

Use ONLY 0.2 µl PCR tube strips or 96-well plates

Labeling Protocol

Clearly label the first and last tube of the strip coded according to instructions. Number each tube sequentially. Use numbers 1-1000 (reset to 1 after running out of numbers):