
Routine sequencing

a bunch of balloons are hanging in the air
a bunch of balloons are hanging in the air
Full length amplicon sequencing - 15 EUR*

For amplicons starting from 100 bp

dsDNA bacteriophage genome sequencing - 90 EUR*

For dsDNA phages up to 250 kb in size

Whole plasmid sequencing - 15 EUR*

For plasmids from 1,5 to 30 kb.

Small genome sequencing - 100 EUR*

For bacterial, fungal genomes up to 12 Mb

Additional bioinformatics analysis - 50 EUR/hour*

Upon request

*prices do not include VAT


Whole plasmid sequencing
Full length amplicon sequencing

Long read whole plasmid sequencing with automatic assembly, annotations, variant calling.

Long read PCR amplicon sequencing with automatic assembly, annotations and variant calling.

Fast and highly accurate whole plasmid sequencing for plasmids from 1,5 kb to 30 kb;
No primers;
No prior information about the plasmid;
Ideal to resolve plasmid recombination and duplications.

Fast and highly accurate sequencing for all amplicons starting at
100 bp;
No primers;
No prior information about the amplicon;
Reads are fragmented and fully capture the sequence resolving variants.

Sample requirements:

  • 15 µl of 40 ng/ul purified plasmid DNA.

Sample requirements:

  • 10 µl of 30-40 ng/ul purified PCR amplicon >5kb in length.

  • 10 µl of 10-20 ng/ul purified PCR amplicon, >1kb <5kb in length.

  • 10 µl of 5 ng/ul purified PCR amplicon, >200 bp <1kb in length.

  • 10 µl of 1 ng/ul, for amplicons <200 bp.

We highly recommend using column purification method and eluting the plasmid with water or a buffer without EDTA.

We highly recommend using column purification method and eluting the plasmid with water or a buffer without EDTA.

Small genome sequencing
Bacteriophage genome sequencing

Long read sequencing of bacterial or fungal genome up to 12 Mb with an automatic assembly and annotation.

Fast and highly accurate genome sequencing;
Chromosomes and plasmids resolved;
Automatic genome annotation;

Sample requirements:

  • 20 µl of 40 ng/ul high purity, high molecular weight genomic DNA.

We highly recommend using column purification method and eluting the plasmid with water or a buffer without EDTA.

Long read sequencing of dsDNA bacteriophage genome up to 250 Kb with automatic assembly and annotation.

Fast and highly accurate genome sequencing;
PCR based library preparation;
Automatic assembly and genome annotation;

Sample requirements:

  • 10 µl of 10 ng/ul high purity, high molecular weight bacteriophage genomic DNA.

We highly recommend using column purification method and eluting the plasmid with water or a buffer without EDTA.

Custom sequencing projects

We offer other DNA and direct RNA sequencing solutions not limited by small standardized services.

The services include:

  • Whole genome sequencing of large eukaryotic genomes.

  • Transcriptomics: cDNA and direct RNA sequencing.

  • Metagenomic DNA sequencing.

  • DNA and RNA modification sequencing.

Please contact us at with your specific needs.